Newsletter 5, Term 3 2023


Some wonderful costumes were worn by children for National Book Week

Seasonal Greetings to you all and welcome back. Yes, it has been a while since you last heard from me but I have been in contact daily with the school and also in the posts I publish weekly on the school’s Facebook page and home pages. I do hope you are following because your children are working hard towards their final terms which are important parts of this year. This term is so important because this is the last term active new topics are introduced and taught with the last two terms’ themes and topics covered. So much is happening around the globe and much remains to be seen but life must go on! Let me highlight some of the important matters which must require your attention and action before heading into the news part of your own children’s
learning experience stories.


on September Friday 22nd with the Term Concert.


of a ten-week program and all school fees must be settled by the end of this week.

  • National Repentance Day – Saturday 26 August.
  • Fathers’ Day – Sunday 3 September.
  • 48th Independence Anniversary – Saturday 16 September, (public holiday observed Friday 15 September)
  • End of Term Concert Event – Friday 22 September
  • School Holidays – September 25- 29 (1 week)

During the holiday


Monday, October 2nd – December 1.


As of 31 September 2023, No more cheque payments will be accepted.

Please only make payments by:

  • Cash
  • Direct Deposit to School Bank A/c
  • Online/Internet Banking.

**Please kindly adhere to these changes as our creditors and bank no longer will accept cheque payments. So that you are informed in ample time in order to avoid any future confusion & disappointments. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


quite a number of you still owe fees and this is the final week your child is given to attend classes. They will be suspended until fees are fully paid. We
cannot afford to pay our salaries and overheads without these fees.


will be handed out in the next several weeks for those who decide to leave, and those who wish to return in 2024. This is our forward planning to help you and us to prepare accordingly.


Hello & welcome everyone! Be happy to know that your children have settled in and are doing well at school this term. The topics covered so far include;

Jolly Phonics volume 1, 2, & 3.

  • are familiar with their volume 1 & 2 sounds & can identify their sound and name them.
  • Jolly Phonics volume 3 was introduced in week 2 and they can make the sounds and identify the pictures that go with the sound.
  • Sounding & blending the 2 letter words – “is, in, it, as, an, at.”

Playschool showing their artwork on the solar system

Here they are showing their collages about transport systems

  • The children have covered some topics like Patterns, Measurements
  • Some can identify different patterns and can tell the big from small, tall, to the tallest, etc.
  • Have learned about “Parts and Whole.” (Thanks to the parents for providing the children with an apple or orange).
  • This week they started to learn about “Addition or Plus.” The + sign and what it means
  • Time Telling: Clock face, the long hand, the shorthand, andthe “O’” clock. and what they mean, ie. when the long hand is pointing to 12 and the short hand is pointing to a number on the clock face.
  • Children can identify living and non-living things. They learned about the water cycle this week.
Social Studies
  • They learned some topics like clothes, occupation, and people and places. They can tell the types of occupations; like policeman, fireman, chef, teacher, doctor, etc, and the uniforms that they wear.
  • The different types of transport; Land, Air, and Sea. They can name the type of transport.
  • The Playschool children learned 5 good manners/habits: “Please, Thank you, Excuse me, Sorry, and Welcome.” Please help them practice them at home too.
  • Good food and Bad foods: children can identify good and bad food.
Road Safety
  • Children learned about the Road-crossing signs with different coloured traffic lights and what they mean.
  • They are making incredible progress already in week 5 and now 6 and we are preparing for the end of the term concert to summarize what we have done so far!

Thank you,
Ms Ilaitia & Ms Koinduo – Class Teachers


Hello from us and time to share some news! Our theme this term is” My Amazing World.” So far we have covered most of the topics stated below.


*Phonics volume 5-6 and 7 sounds.

  • Sounding and blending words from volumes 5, 6, and 7.
  • Words in Volume 5 (z-w-ng – oo OO) zip/wet/ring/book/ moon etc.

Amazing solar system models on show

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Learning the different values of money

Book week collage hunting

  • Words in volume 6 (y-x-ch-sh-th-) yoyo/six/chips/shop/ this/moth
  • Words in volume 7 (qu-ou-ue-er-ar) quiet/coin/ouch/ rescue/mixer/arm etc.
  • *Troy Nawara likes to sound all the volumes from 1-7 by himself.
  • *Isaac Goa likes to sound, blend and read.
  • Tricky words; all/are/so/no/go/my. Dean always wants to say tricky words and spell them with the help of Christopher and Isaac.
  • Measurements
  • Parts and whole
  • Place value (Tens & Ones)
  • Time Telling in O’clock.
  • Learning the time while the students are playing the “Mr. Wolf” game during our o’clock time.
Alphabet – This week’s letter “Nn”
  • *Reading comprehension. – Students have started reading this week.
  • They have done well on their reading by knowing their tricky words.
  • The naming of things around them or pictures and blending.
  • They can recognise the sentence I put up for them to read.
  • *Sentence reading – “I can see a frog. The frog is green.” “I can see a chick. The chick is yellow. The chick is small” “This is a yoyo. The yoyo is blue. Look at the yellow yoyo. The yoyo is big.”
  • Solar System. Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets The students were able to recognise the names of the planets
    and learned a poem by reciting it.“My very excited mother just served us noodles.”
Social Studies
  • 3 types of Transports (Land/Air/Water transport systems)
  • 7 Continents and Oceans
  • People and places around the world.
  • Money (PNG’s Kina and Toea)
  • Students have done many activities based on these topics.
Health – Safety Rules
  • Crossing roads
  • Say no to strangers
  • Traffic rules and traffic lights
  • Community helpers

*Students are learning about community helpers and already some of them are saying they want to be in the future. For
example, Princeton to be a doctor, Troy to be a Teacher, Jayson to be a fireman, Isaac to be a chef, and Renette to be a
police officer.

The Preschool students are doing so well in their class activities, both indoor and outdoor. It’s very pleasing to seem them advancing their writing skills and reading tricky words. Parents, please continue to support them.

Thank you all.
Ms Heagi & Mr Paul – Class Teacher & Assistant


Making play dough as a whole class for arts and crafts


Science: Rainbow running water experiment


We are fast approaching the midterm and so much has been done daily, there is always interesting news about our student’s academic performances and behaviours. The Theme for this term is “Exploring my Amazing World and Beyond”.

Lessons and Activities – are related to the theme, especially Science, Social Studies, and Health. We have done our lessons for the students to enjoy through
theory and practical activities. Indoor and outdoor lessons have been conducted to achieve the objectives of the lessons.

Practical activities – we were able to conduct these two practical activities 1. Play dough making 2. Rainbow running water experiment with the ingredients that were provided by the parents. We appreciate your support.

Homework – Students have been given homework, assignments, and projects as part of their assessments

  • Great support from the parents and students have been showing signs of progress in this area.
  • Good feedback with good results and you can see the corridor is filled with amazing ideas of their projects being displayed.
  • Thank you to our hard-working parents and guardians for assisting your children with their Solar system and Planet Earth project.

Assessments (Test) – so far the students have done two written tests and practical assessments.

Home reading program – There are 26 students in the middle section and only 5-10 students are up to date with borrowing of books. All library bags must be brought in every Tuesday and Thursday to Ms Rutera, our Librarian.

If your child does not have one please see Mrs Tione to purchase it. The students will not progress in their reading levels if we fail in the home reading program. This is compulsory and will be marked as part of their assessment results!

Home-like/Diaries – Parents and teachers communicate through these dairies, please read and respond accordingly.

Book week celebration – thank you to all our lovely parents for putting up an effort to have your child dress up in his or her book character. It was a successful event for us.

Upcoming events in September are Father’s Day, the PNG Pre-Independence celebration, and term 3 concert. You will be informed of these events through your child’s diaries.

Teacher-Parent Interview – I was able to meet with 4 parents this term regarding their child’s academic and behavioural performances. I will be available to conduct Teacher Parent Conferences over the term 3 holidays. *Please make sure to find time because it is vital!

Thank you and looking forward to seeing you all in our upcoming events.

Thank you!
Mrs Mea – Class Teacher


Sketching up the 4 phases of the moon for science class


The final product proudly shown on display!


Hello everyone and welcome back.
Let us give thanks and praise to our Lord for his guidance and blessings upon each one of us. The children in Cluster Grades class have been doing well thus far and I am so happy with their progress.

Our Classroom work
Here are some Units/Topics we have covered so far this Term.

  1. English – Grammar – Sentence Types
    Genres – Narrative texts and Reading and Comprehension
  2. Mathematics
    – Operations – Algorithms
    – Graphs – Collecting and Recording data. Graphing
    – Measurement – Time rules and Time conversion
  3. Science – Energy – Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy sources
    – Space exploration.
    – Gravitational forces
    – The Solar system and its Nutrients.
    – Food I should/should not eat.
  4. Social Studies
    – My World – Continents and Oceans.
    – Countries and their Cities.
    – My Country – Papua New Guinea.
  5. Jolly Phonics
    – Jolly Grammar
    – The Magic “e”
    – Vowels and Consonants. (Long vowel sounds) letters and

The children have been doing group projects at school, such as The Phases of the Moon as well as others at home. We are now doing revisions in preparation for our Unit tests next week. All assessments for this Term shall be completed by then.

Classroom highlights
We are currently working on our Group and Individual Science projects about our Solar System and the Phases of the Moon. All of which shall be on display once completed.

Thank you all and God bless.
Mr Mea – Class Teacher


Hello everyone and welcome. Let me share some news from the library section. Let me thank those parents who purchased a library bag for your child to borrow books. This is a compulsory rule for students to have one bag to enable them to borrow books from the school library to enhance their knowledge. They cannot learn properly without participating in the library/reading activities. Parents and guardians are responsible for ensuring your child has a library bag, please.

Yet the library bag is seen being used by some students for their swimming bag. Please ensure the library bag is used for carrying books only.


Some more costumes from book week! Both the children and staff alike love to dress up!

IMG_20230811_090842 (3) (3)

Borrowing days are on Tuesday and Thursday only.

A sincere reminder that the home reading diary forms inside the library bag must be checked and signed before returning it to the school to confirm you have witnessed your child read his/her book. *This is to be assessed as part of his final gradings at the end of the year Reports!

Thank you.
Librarian – Ms Rutera


Hello everyone!
Let us welcome a new student who has joined us this term namely, Aedan Kera in the Playschool class.

It is week 6 already and some of you have not paid your outstanding fees. This week will be your final week. *Teachers and staff must be paid. Overheads of running the school also.

Your children are enjoying themselves in their respective classes with their hardworking teachers.

We have just ended the National Book Week Event with children posing as their character superheroes in costumes & colours. Thank you for your support.

OUTSTANDING School Fees NOTIFICATIONS have been issued to parents and guardians for payment WITH due dates but little response has been realised. *Please know that this is the final deadline in week 6!

Please kindly make an effort to settle the fees now because your child will not be allowed back into class by the end of this week. Some of the children are not attending classes due to non-payment of school fees. BE FAIR. Thank You. Banks are no longer accepting Private/Company cheques so we advise you that all payments must be made either in cash or direct bank deposits or online payment to the school account.

Late Pickups – Please pay at the counter – K20
Library Bags – K20. Please purchase a library bag for your child to borrow books to take home.

**Empty cartons, old newspapers/magazines, books, or any books that you may not need, please consider donating them  to the school so the children can use them in their activities. **Thanks to Kendalyn’s mother Bessie Omani from the Embassy of Japan for donating magazines and old newspapers.

Thank you.
Mrs Tione – Registrar


Swimming lessons are a weekly favourite for the students


Cheeky smiles all around the Grades classroom while focusing on projects


I do hope you have been updated with the progress news of your children’s learning experiences and that you are happy with the results so far made this year! Please find some time to read the contents of this communication because there is vital information you need to give your attention to.

Until the next issue, have a pleasant read, and stay healthy and safe.

God bless and peace be with you all;

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