Preschool children learning about fruit as healthy snacks!
Feels like we have not communicated in a while. Let us get started. Three weeks left when we shall come together to close this term and many reminders and outstanding notifications which need your attention. Firstly I wish to thank you for your support and decision to choose our small school for your children to be cared for and to be educated in 2023. This is a statement of your approval of the beliefs and values we offer at the school for now 32 years! At the end of each term, we invite our parents and guardians (1 per student due to space availability) to witness your child’s progress. We will be holding this term’s concert on Thursday 6 April. Term 1 Holiday also starts from April 10-14 for 1 week only.
Before I take you inside your children’s classrooms for their news, let me highlight some important reminders.
Term 1 ends on Friday 7 April & breaks for 1 week only before Term 2 commences.
*Please take note: Friday 7 April is Good Friday. As it is a Public Holiday there is no school that day.
- Because of this, the school will close on Thursday 6 after the end of the Concert.
- Holidays start Monday 10 and end on Friday 14 April.
- Term 2 start Monday April 17 and will run for 11 weeks.
- Term 1 Reports will be withheld but any parents wishing to conduct interviews with teachers, be sure to do so before
the term ends. This will only happen on Wednesday 12 & Thursday 13 April during the holiday period from 9am – 12pm only. - The swimming program has been going very well and the children are really enjoying themselves. Even the tiny ones cannot wait to have their turns!
- Friday is our Sports Day and is only a half day. All children must go home by 1pm at the latest.
12.30pm Hometime! Holiday begins!
Now due for payment. Kindly check your emails and printed invoice copies with Mrs. Tione. Please note that they are time-sensitive. Thank you to all those who have already paid. If you have not received your copy, kindly ask Mrs. Tione for help.
The school has finally been able to invest in a genset to help us during our time of power outages. Let us hope that we do not need to use it regularly. Especially during our Concert Events.
Work is constant on school grounds.
- Hauswin was extended on the roof for more shade.
- The swimming pool deck was repaired and painted.
- The Gen-Set structure was constructed at a point furthest away from classrooms.
Let me now take you inside the classrooms to share the news of your children.
More work is anticipated during the holidays. The comfort & safety of the children is so important let alone you as the parents and guardians. Thank you for your support.
We will be inviting all registered parents and guardians via email to our online school management portal called
“Dreamclass” next week. This portal will allow you to see all invoices for your child in one place, as well as their academic performance once reports are issued. Please keep an eye out in your email inbox for the invitation from “dreamclass.io”.
Kids love the swimming programs every Thursday in the pool!
Giving instructions before swimming to understand proper safety.
Ms. Matui is on maternity leave. She is relieved by our most competent teacher-assisting carers: Ms. Rutera & Ms. Koinduo & Ms. Kone.
Good day from us all.
Learning is always fun with play-school children. Here is what they have so far learned:
- Jolly Phonics Volume 1 and numbers 0-5. They can say the numbers and count them too.
- They had learned the four primary colors; Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green. The shapes of triangle, rectangle, square, and circle.
- They have also learned the 5 senses and my body in science.
- In social studies, they also learned ” My Family” and the four different types of weather.
- We have done their assessments and completed the reports.
- Concert Scripts – Some of them have been given. Please help them practice their scripts at home for the concert as we continue to practice at school. Everyone is excited during our practice and we are looking forward to the concert.
*Reminders – Concert Costume Needs.
- Blue shirt
- Black trousers (boys)
- Black tights (girls)
Thank you!
Ms Rutera/ Ms. Koinduo – Class Careers
Hi from us at Preschool! The students are doing well and enjoying what they are learning at school.
We have covered all the topics/lessons planned for this term.
- From week 7 onward, we are doing revision work and will continue to do that in weeks 8 and 9. *Parents bring your child to school every day.
Concert reminders:
- Concert Scripts: please continue to help your child to practice his or her script.
- Costumes: Yellow T/Shirt (round neck) Black trousers – Girls’ leggings and Boys’ long trousers.
Thank you.
Ms Heagi & Mr Paul – Class Teacher & Assistant
Hello everyone!
The prep and Gr. 1 are glad to share a few highlights with you.
- Assessments – All tests are done and the children have shown satisfactory results.
- Reports – Reports will be compiled before the term ends.
Parents will be asked to come in for Teacher Parent Interviews over the term one holiday. - Please see Mrs. Mea or call the office to make an appointment. Ph:3258715
Concert preparation
- Please help your child to practice his or her scripts.
- Concert costume: Red shirt, black leggings for the girls and black shorts for the boys.
- Behaviour – Please assist the teachers by reminding your child of good behavior & manners in school. Few children have been warned of their misbehaving issues.
- Attendance/Punctuality – Three weeks but we do continue to encourage your child to attend school daily.
Thank you.
Mrs Mea & Ms Gimana – Class Teachers
Tasting station - one of the five senses being explored in a practical
Children in playschool describing and understanding their family trees
Welcome to our class news. A lot has happened over the past weeks in the cluster grades groups.The children have settled in well and are bonding with happy sounds all around.
1. Classroom work and Homework:
Almost everyone is doing well; however, there are a few students who need attention and assistance. I will be sending notices for parents to attend Teacher-Parent interviews over the Term 1 holiday. Homework is given weekly. Only Wednesday & Thursday 9-12 midday. Book with Mrs Tione.
2. Assessments:
This shall be completed with Unit Tests for all subjects. We are currently doing Revisions to prepare well for our end of Term tests.
3. Attendance and Punctuality:
As we are all very much aware, attendance and punctuality can affect our children’s performance in school. Please ensure that your children are always punctual with good attendance records.
4.End of Term Concert:
We have a couple of songs and poems to present for this concert. Scripts have been given out and we are getting
ourselves prepared for this very important event. See you then!
Thank you.
Mr Mea – Class Teacher
Let us welcome our new students and their families who only joined us in weeks 5 & 6 Joshua and Hillary Pyambao. They have settled in well and are fast enjoying themselves with other children in their own classes.
Term 2 School Fees: Invoices are now ready to be issued this week and are due for payment. Please if you have not received yours, kindly check with the front desk. Note that all
Term 2 fees must be paid in full before your child is allowed to attend classes.
Late Pickups: You will be charged K20 for late pick up per child. All students must be collected before 1.30 pm for half
day and 3.30 pm for a full day. Transport: No casual basis allowed. Only per term and annual services.
Parent-Teacher Interviews: These are conducted during school holidays. Should you wish to see your child’s teacher, please make an appointment with the school front office so that your name will be on the list. Talk more soon!
Thank you and stay safe.
Mrs Tione – Registrar
Valentine’s day cards prepared last month teach children appreciation
…and also get to express their amazing art and creative skills!
There is so much to say but let me leave the rest for the children and their teachers to show you in three weeks’ time! In closing please do find the time to read the contents. One way to update yourselves with the school activities is to befriend us on our FB page because lots about your children are covered there!
Until then, enjoy reading, and we shall see you all at school! Meanwhile do take good care and stay safe!