Newsletter 4, Term 2 2020


Welcome back to Term 2! Social distancing is still being followed in class.

We miss you all especially our dear little ones! We are equally and especially pleased to have most of you back, although quite a substantial number of children are still pending to return. We do sincerely hope that the children are not sick. Parents/guardians are particularly encouraged to consider returning children to school, or if not, kindly proceeding with formal cancellations to open vacancies to new students!


This is a very trying period and much is unknown which makes it seriously scary and frightening. Everything is new about this virus and nothing is known yet to stop or cure it!

COVID-19 is impacting a lot people all over the world without discrimination. People young and old regardless are taken by surprise and eventually dying without seeing or saying goodbye to their dear loved ones! So frustrating and feels like one is in the war zone waiting for the bomb to be dropped   on you without any warning! Please all do take care. We all must! Learn from the other countries and follow instructions to stay safe.


What did the school do to help occupy the children out of  their classroom situation in the lockdown period? 

  • The staff did not go on recess but continued to work as usual. Homework was prepared for parents to collect for children to continue the End of Term 1 Concert Preparations for staging on Thursday 9 April.
  • Instead homework activities/exercises were prepared for the three school sectors. Parents/Guardians were informed via email and phones to pick them up.
    Thank you to those who were able to do so. It was a very trying time for all of us!
  • The teachers continued to work throughout the holiday period to update school programs in preparation for Term 2 which was scheduled to start on April 20.
  • Term 1 Holiday: Monday 13 – Friday 17. (Friday 10 was Good Friday.) Teacher In-service was held during this time.
  • Term Assessments/Tests Assessments/Reports – all done and completed before the lockdown!
    Any parent wishing to update your child’s progress, kindly liaise with Mrs Tione to arrange a Teacher/Parent interview.
  • Term Dates – Remain the same in most part with a small change. Please take note.
  • Term 2 Dates: 20 April to July 3 instead of June 26.
  • End of Term is now Friday July 3.
  • End of Term Concert: Wednesday July 1.
  • Teacher In-Service: Thursday/Friday July 2-3.
  • Term 2 Holiday: Duration 2 weeks (July 6 – 17).
    * 1 week has been given back to the children for the loss of class time due to lockdown restrictions. Indoor instructions in person to compensate for the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown impacts. This is to show the commitment the school has made to the children from the start of acceptance.
  • The Fencing Project is now completed – we are so pleased and hope that no fires and rubbish dumps continue nearby. Dust is also a problem. We put up the plastic sheets to protect us from noises, smells, dust and also for security reasons.
  • The Back & Front Playgrounds – completed and children are happy to use.
  • Uniforms: With COVID-19 causing delays across the globe – we may be waiting for quite a while until our uniforms can be dispatched via air services. We are following up and will advise when they are inbound.
  • Term Two School Fees: are now due for payment if you have not yet done so. Thank you for all your support.
  • COVID-19 Pandemic Health Practices:
    To continue operations, the school will encourage all children to continue social distancing, including wearing masks to school. The school to continue with sanitising and taking temperatures upon entry. Any child with running nose, cough constantly, teary eyes will not be allowed entry.
    *Please kindly assist the school to help us all healthy and safe and of course keep on living!
  • Mothers’ Day: Belated happy Mothers’ Day to all the beautiful mums dead/living/far/near /young/old and of course to all our lovely mothers of Bava International School!

*Now allow me to take you to your children to share their own stories with you! Thanks!

Students are encouraged to wear masks

Outdoor play is still allowed, but no swimming

Ms Matui teaching how to wash hands properly

Play/Preschool Class:

Greetings from the Play Pre Class!

We welcome the Play/Pre students and parents back to Bava in Term 2 despite the ongoing pandemic. Thank you parents for entrusting us with your children. The children are practising social distancing at school, also wearing mask and please make sure parents that your child has a mask on when coming to school. The Play/Pre’s are practising our hand washing steps using soaps and liquid soaps for 20 seconds.

Now let’s go into the classroom:

Science – Last 2 weeks the children have been saying their 5 Senses poem and identifying their eyes to see, nose to smell, tongue to taste, ears to hear and hands to feel.

For this week 3 and next week 4, the children will be doing our body parts. Which we have divided into 3 sections:

  1. Top/upper – Head (what’s on our head)
  2. Middle part – What do you find? Shoulders, back, tummy, hands, fingers etc…
  3. Lower part – Knees, feet, toes, hips, legs.

Phonics – Children are confident with their sounds in Volume 1 (s a t i p n). The children have started their sounding and blending of 2 letter words like “is,” “as,” “in” and so on.

Tricky words – we have started with the tricky words ‘I’, ‘the’. For this week the children are saying and spelling ‘he’ and ‘she’. The children are doing spelling and actions to the words to  help them remember.

Maths – The children are happy doing their numbers, shapes and colours.

Health – the children are practising the health and safety ways to avoid COVID-19.

Social Study – Children are doing Arts/Crafts on clothes. They are displayed in the hallway.

The Preschools are taking home-works on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Please assist your child with these.

Thank you.

Ms Heagi & Mrs Matui – Class Teachers


Prep & Gr 1 Classes:

Greetings to all our parents and guardians and welcome back to Term 2.

Once again, I am happy to share our class stories. We have actively participated in our class programme since day one of week one until today.

Term 2 Theme and Programme – Our theme for this term is “My Wonderful Environment”. We have started of with the word “Environment” looking and identifying things around us. The children were able to learn more about the plants and its importance to the environment. Our programme for this term has relating topics to out theme.

Assessments – Assessable tasks will be given as test, homework, take home test, assignments or projects.

New Normal – Social Distancing – Prep and Grade 1’s has their own rooms nothing has changed. Everything is the same the only thing is the table and chairs have been rearranged 1 meter apart. We have good student teacher ration in both classes too.

Discipline – Some of our children have shown signs of independence and progress with their behaviour. Just reminders everyday to maintain a good behaviour towards their peers.

Hand washing – Our children have learnt the steps of hand washing and are regularly washing their hands with soaps provided. We also have hand sanitisers/wipes for them to use.

Masks – Teachers are leading by example having their mask on every day; however, it is a new dressing code and the children are trying their best to have their mask on whole day. Parents you may help us remind your child the importance of wearing mask to school every day.

Special Highlights – Some children who have shown signs of progress name, Anja Katal, Jaytee Tipa, Malou Mou, Penua Gerega, Tesyl Paul, Mercy Siwainao, Alissa Holemba and Julius Niligur. Thank you for your commitment toward your child’s education. Please continue to support them.

Thank you all.

Mrs Mea – Class Teacher

Temperature checks upon entry for safety

Our staff also wear masks and gloves

Thank you for all the Mother’s Day greetings!

Upper Grades Classes:

Hello everyone. It’s great to be back again with my dear little friends. Here are some highlights from our class.

Attendance and Punctuality – So far, almost all students in our class have returned. This is an important area because students miss out lessons and although revision work may be given, it’s not the same as the actual lesson itself.

Homework days – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please encourage and discipline students to study at home too.

HomeLink Books – Parents, please check your child’s Home link book weekly and do write down comments regarding your child.

Teacher–Parent interviews – I would like to have interview with a couple of my parents in the next few weeks. Notices will be sent out respective parents, however, should any parent (Grades) be interested in this Teacher–Parent interviews, please let me know.

Class Progress – All students have resumed well and our lessons are flowing nicely. We will be doing some Science Health practicals soon.

COVID-19 – I am always reminding my students about COVID 19 and children are also adhering to the new normal, everyday.

Assignment and Tests – Tests are given after we complete a Unit/Topic or every two weeks. I am still waiting for students who have not submitted their Health Assignment on COVID-19.

That’s all for now.

Mr Mea – Class Teacher

Library Corner – Ms Rutera:

The library corner has been fun with the lending of books and I would like to take this time to thank those parents who have bought their child a library bag already. This enables them to borrow books from our school library and I continue to encourage those who have not yet done so to buy a library bag. The library is a important part that contributes to every child’s learning here at Bava International School.

Also, there is a huge additional of books which I have just recorded into our system and soon will have the latest and updated library catalogue out for year 2020. I am very happy to read parents comments on their child’s home reading diary and will always play my role as a library teacher to help each child in any help or need they have inside the library.

Thank you.

Ms Rutera – Library Teacher


FRONT DESK/Registrar:

Hi parents and guardians, welcome to another Newsletter edition for this term. Thank God that we are all safe and well from COVID 19. Yet still everyone must take precautionary measures to protect and avoid becoming infected.

  • Wash hands with soap or hand sanitisers.
  • Wear musk to school and at work.
  • Social or physical distancing
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow.

This will help us to keep safe and healthy during this time.

Should your child need a mask, we have masks on sale for K3.00/K3.50.


  • School hours from 7:30 am – 2:30pm, Fridays are only half days so please pick up your child by lunchtime.
  • Term 2 school fees, please pay.
  • Drop Off and Pickup children, always be on time.
  • Swimming Activities – suspended for now until further notice due to the COVID-19 social distancing practices.

Should you have any suggestions or ideas please submit them to school office.

Thank you and have a wonderful week.

Mrs Tione – Registrar

Back playground has been refurbished!

Our lovely new fence is complete!

Carpark/walkway repaired by our own efforts


Wish you all safe and healthy times ahead in everything you do. Do not forget to continue your awareness drills in this regard.
Until next issue, see you all at school!

Blessings all around,


  • Maria Memehere
    / Reply

    I would just like to know the yearly cost of a students fee that including the other necessary budgets required.


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