Newsletter 5, Term 2 2019


Celebrating all our mothers at Bava for Mother’s Day!

Let us come together and share why we come to this community that we call the big “ Bava Family.” It is fast approaching the end of Term Two and you need to hear from us now! Let us get started – “TO LEARN TO CARE & TO CARE TO LEARN.”  May I ask you to please find the time to look inside your hearts and find some reasons as to why we embrace this “MOTTO” at BAVA! Please?

As you are reading these following announcements and reminders, I wish you to keep asking why you bring your precious children to us and to our school? Thank you.

1. HALF YEAR TERM TESTS/ASSESSMENTS: Currently in progress and all parents/guardians are urged to bring children to school everyday including Fridays!

2. HALF YEAR REPORTS: Will cover both Term 1 & Term 2 full assessments (academic & non-academic.) Term 1 Reports were purposely kept back and now will be released by end of this term/only if you have fully paid up all required fees.

3. OUTSTANDING FEES: A substantial number of students are still owing fees and there are only 2 weeks left for tests/assessments for the half year report to be created for each student. Until fees are fully paid this week, remaining tests/assessments will be denied to your children which will affect the half year Reports. ** All fees are now updated.

4. UNPAID FEES: The list is now put up for your easy reference in your children’s classrooms, hallway and at the front desk! **Thank you to all parents/guardians who have already paid. (Term fees/transport fees/late pickup fees inclusive.) *Your immediate attention and action is requested! Only 3 weeks left until the end of the term!

5. END OF TERM: FRIDAY 21 JUNE – However the children will go into recess for their holidays on Wednesday 19 June for the Teacher Inservice to commence on Thursday 20 June.

6. END OF TERM 2 CONCERT: Wednesday 19 June. Exactly 3 weeks from today! Children will retire for T2 holidays after the event. *PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE DATE!

7. TERM 2 HOLIDAYS: 3 weeks in total and ends on Friday July 12.

8. TERM 3 COMMENCES: Monday July 15. All fees must be paid in full first before any child is permitted to return.

9. DISCIPLINE: Several young children have become more playful without being too careful and caused upsets but with the understanding and co-operation of all those concerned have been sufficiently sorted out. We need support from parents too.

Let me bring inside the classrooms to share what your children have been doing in school. Let us start with the middle classes this time!

Studying the world map in Prep/Gr 1 class

Reading “The Map” in Prep/Gr 1

Happy birthday to the Kaidong twins!


Hello everyone! We are glad to share what we have started doing for the 2nd term with our Theme: Exploring Our Wonderful World.


    • Science: we have done revision activities on the five senses and integrated the lessons with our environment topics.
    • Social studies: we learned about living and non-living things in the environment, followed by practical lessons around the school grounds.
    • Health: lessons are based on the health and science of nutrients. There will be practical lessons done this week on the three food groups.
    • Maths: lessons will continue with numerations while the four operations are taught to the children.
    • Jolly Phonics: we have covered volume 1 and now on volume 2 learning new tricky words every week. The children are reading rhyming words, sentences and story books.
  • Tests have been given in weeks 2, 4, and 6 on Thursdays.


  • So far this term the children have been good, however we will continue to remind or advise them to behave appropriately at all times in school and at homes. Home support is a must please.

Homework Days

    • Prep – Mondays and Wednesdays
  • Grade 1 – Tuesdays and Thursdays


  • Please remind your children to bring their library bags for borrowing on Tuesdays and return the books on Thursdays.

Special Acknowledgements

Thank you to parents who have thought of sharing their child/children’s birthday cakes with us this term. Thank you to Mr & Mrs Kaidong and Mr & Mrs Paita! The month of May has been a sweet month for the Prep/Grade 1 classes! More cakes? Warelyn and Julius?

From Mr Gari

Maths/Science Practicals will be on display during the end of term concert. Other practicals will be show cased during the concert.

Thank you and God Bless you all!

Mrs Mea & Mr Gari

Yum yum look at our…

…fruit salad kebabs!

The Grades magic number wheel


Hello everyone and welcome once again to our class news for this edition of our school newsletter.

Classroom Teaching and Learning

We are learning about our wonderful world and it is getting ever more exciting and amazing as we continue to discover and learn more. We have learned about Rainbows and the water cycle, plant and animal groups, nutrition and we are looking forward to learning more soon. The children are so happy and eager in the classrooms each day.

Assessments and Reports

All our test and assessments should be completed by week 8. I am therefore encouraging children to be punctual and improve in their attendance. End of Term Reports shall be compiled by end of week 9. Only two more weeks left!


A couple of students are consistent and up to date with our library programme however, there are others who really need to get involved. Some students are keeping books (readers) for far too long!  Check with your child to ensure that books he or she borrows weekly.

Lastly, I want to thank all our parents and guardians who assisted in our Health practical lesson on Nutrition. We all had fun creating our very own “Fruit Kebabs”. We shared with our teachers and other children. The story and pictures were posted on Facebook too!

Thank you once again and God bless. Until next time,

Mr Mea

Air games with straw painting & balloons

Mixing play dough to learn how…

…objects float or sink in water!


Greetings from the lower classes.

This term has been a very successful one for us to learn a lot of things. As usual many new children found it hard to settle down with new teachers to learn from in new environment in Term one. Now they are more familiar with their teachers with the programs shared! All are happy in general!

*Special intern teacher-in service was provided in the first week this term and has a lot of impact on the new teachers and the programs now in play.

Jolly Phonics

    • Play class children have been learning sounds and a lot of pictures relating to those particular sounds.
    • Preschool class children have been learning 2 letter words such as in, an, it, at, is and as.
  • Both classes have been learning the 10 tricky words like I, the, she, he, we, me, was, to, and, do with the actions.


Playschool children are doing many practical activities, like counting objects.

  • Preschool children are matching numbers to the pictures, counting pictures, writing the numbers and doing lots of rhyming and singing songs about numbers.

Shapes & Colours

Children are learning 4 new shapes and they are diamond, star, heart and oval. They are learning how to make new colours when mixing together base colours. For example, red + yellow = orange.


The children are learning different types of transport on land, air and sea. The various transport means that take us around the world we live in.

Every day the children are doing new arts and crafts activities. We have been doing some practical activities like making shaped biscuits to represent the different shapes of the human body and using biscuit shortbread mixtures to create the fairy bread figures! Surprises!

The children are enjoying their lessons every day. Well done Play/Preschool!

Ms Heagi, Mrs Matui & Ms Kone

Frog inspired artwork from the Play/Pre class

Playing with colours to make a rainbow

Collages are great for the little ones’ creativity


Hello and welcome back!

Some important reminders for all parents and guardians:

    • Term 2 School Fees. I DEMAND that you must now settle all outstanding school fees. *List is Up!
    • Mid-Year School Reports will be held back until you pay up.
    • Parent/Teacher Interviews, please make appointment at the front desk.
    • Pick up your children on time. Late fees K20. And must be paid. *List is Up!
    • Contacts/Phone numbers. Please if you have changed your contact numbers let the school know so we can get in touch with you as soon as possible should any emergency arise.
  • Library Bags. Every child should have a library bag to borrow books from the library. Please enquire at the school office.

Thank you and have a blessed day.

Mrs Tione — Registrar

Reading “Cat and rat” in the Prep/Gr 1 class

Rushing Ms. Daro for a hug!

Dancing in the classroom to music!

I do hope you have found some quality time to share in your children’s news. Some very important issues that you should seriously take notice and need your urgent personal attention. Review all the announcements/reminders and if you are one of those to which they apply, please comply immediately. School fees are the only source of funding that caters for everything at Bava! Your immediate attention and support is paramount. Please help as soon as possible!


With that, thank you all once again for your understanding and support.

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