How to Empower Your Child to Become a Promising Leader

Most parents want to see their children leading the pack. It gives you the feeling of overwhelming pride, and make you want to let everybody know that the leader standing in front of everyone is your most beloved child. But raising your child to become a leader requires a lot of effort. Leadership is not […]

5 Reasons Your Child Needs to Learn How to Swim

Swimming is a very fun activity, especially during the summer holidays. Any child would be excited to swim in a pool, or even at the beach. We don’t know why, but the pool and the sea never fail to put a smile on our children’s faces, which is why we all have the reason to […]

5 Community Service Ideas that Kids Could Enjoy Doing

At an early age, it is best to instill among children the value of giving back to the community, to help them become responsible and compassionate adults. A child who is not taught that giving is better than receiving, he tends to be selfish and is less successful in life, because there’s no one willing […]

4 Tips on How to Help Your Child Make Friends

While you are giving your all to your child to make him happy, this might not be enough to paint a smile on his face. Other than your love as a parent, your child also needs friends. Having friends is one of the most important aspects in life. Friends are those people whom we hold […]

How to Pack a Healthy School Lunchbox for your Kids

Most often, parents don’t put too much effort for their child’s school lunchbox, since they are too busy. They only often cook food that’s easy to prepare such as hotdogs, chicken nuggets, eggs, and burger patties. And the cycle repeats. While your child doesn’t complain eating fried processed foods every day, as a parent, you […]

Healthy Eating for Kids: Guidelines to a Nutritious Diet

To help your children perform better in school, providing proper nutrition is a must. But this could be very challenging to every parent since most children are picky eaters and they don’t know what they really want to eat. Nevertheless, to ensure a balanced meal for your kids, don’t forget to give your children the […]

6 Tips on How to Help Your Child Become Smarter

Smart kids always never fail to impress us. Being smart has a lot of its perks. Your children could be accepted in highly acclaimed schools, graduate with honors, and have a better future. While being smart does not always equate to success, it is undoubtedly one of your child’s best assets in opening more doors […]